Kamis, 26 Januari 2012


Oil & Gas

IKPT has established itself as one of the six LNG ( Liquefied Natural Gas) builders in the world, joining two from USA, two from Japan, One from Europe. IKPT built the LNG Bontang Trains G & H, and Major refinery project at the Abbas 232.000 Barrel/ day capacity in Iran whereby IKPT performed basic and detailed engineering work from 1990 to 1993. And Export Oriented Refinery 1 in West (North- Coats ) of java- Balongan. The capacity of this refinery was 125.000 BPSD, with tank farm totaling 13 tanks rangging the sizes from 4.500 m3 to 32.000 m3. 

Upstream industries such as Aromatics, Olefins and other Petrochemical plants, support the downstream manufacturing sector, which in turn produce goods for consumers and generate sales revenue. The trend towards National self-reliance and self- support became the theme of Indonesia's industrialization program both in managing its natural resources and its manufacturing capabilities. Future expansion of the facilities provided added capabilities in feedstock for the basic industries, and IKPT's experiences undoubtedly benefited project owners in both the government and private sectors.
Energy / Nuclear

Electrical Power consumptions for the infrastructure has sharply increased over the years: therefore energy production must increase in proportion to the consumer's electricity demands. IKPT has been fortunate to participate in the construction of a 30 MW Nuclear Research Facilities In Serpong and the construction of three Geothermal Power Plants at Salak Mountain, Bogor Sukabumi, West Java each with the capacity of 55 MW (or 165 MW total Capacity).

Membudi dayakan ternak udang

Cara beternak udang Windu: Adabbeberapa cara berternak udanng windu: cara pertama sebelum membeli bibit udang, kita siapkan dulu kolam yang akan di tanami. pertaa kolam harus di bersihkan dan di keringkan  supanya terbebas dari hama ataw bakteri yang bakal menggangu bibit ikan/ udang. ke dua setelah satu minggu di keringka baru di beri air  kira kira 20 cm dari dasar. Baru memilih bibit unggul udang yang akan di tanam. Air yang mengalir jangan telalu deras karna bibit udang masih pada kecil.Memberi makan udangpun harus teratur dan sambil di kontrol jangan sampay ada ikan dabus/ ikan lain yang bisa memakan anak udang. Setelah 2 minggu air yang masuk aga di perbesar  dan dinakan ketinggianya, karna anak udang sudah mulai dewasa.